Whipping test. The whipping test is conducted to determine the overrun potential and serum separation of the product. The whipping test should be run using a Hobart model N-50 or equivalent, having speeds ranging from about 60-260 RPM of planetary rotation and 135-600 RPM of agitator rotation, and with an approximately 3-quart (2.84 L) capacity bowl. For the Type II product, reconstitute in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions completely incorporate the dry powder into the liquid, being careful not to whip air into the product. The product shall be tempered to 40 to 45°F (4.4 to 7.2”C) before conducting the whipping test.
1. Flush fill a tared open-top l-pint (0.47L) container with the liquid (thawed Type I or reconstituted Type II) topping base. Record the weight. Pour product into a chilled [40 to 45°F (4.4 to 7.2”C)] whipping bowl with the balance of the product.
2. Start whipping at a low speed (No. 1) to prevent splashing. When thickening is observed, increase to a medium whipping speed (No. 2). When a noticeable volume increase is obtained, finish whipping at high speed (No. 3) until standing peaks are formed. High speed whipping shall not exceed 10 minutes. Record the whipping time.
3. Carefully transfer the whipped topping into a tared open-top l-pint (0.47 L) container. Special care must be taken to eliminate air voids, (avoid expelling air by pressing down with a spoon or spatula). Strike off excess and wipe off product spilled on the outside of the container, weigh, and record net weight of topping.
4. Calculate the overrun (OR) by the formula below. If the minimum required 160 percent OR has not been obtained and the high speed whipping time is less than 10 minutes, then return the product to the bowl and whip at high speed for the balance of the 10 minutes, then recalculate the OR.
percent OR =
weight of 1 pint (0.47L)liquid mix - weight of 1 pint (0.47 L) whipped topping x100
/(weight of 1 pint (0.47 L) whipped topping)
5. The whipping test shall be run on one sample in duplicate, and the results of the two tests averaged. If the individual results differ by more than 25 percent, the whipping test shall be repeated once more, and all three results averaged and reported.
6. For serum separation testing, flush fill an 8-ounce (236.59 mL) container with the whipped topping, avoiding air pockets. Transfer the whipped topping onto a 6-inch square (38.71 cm2) of (No. 26) B&S 16 gauge woven wire mesh which is resting on top of an appropriate sized support funnel and suspended over a collecting vessel. The product shall be held 2 hours at 70 to 800F (21.1 to 26.70C), showing no evidence of serum separation.
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